
Monday, September 15, 2014

My School Supply Essentials

Happy Monday! Today I am sharing my favorite school supply essentials with you and my system for organization when it comes to taking notes, storing papers, etc. 

5 and 3 Subject Notebooks
For note taking, I have two main notebooks: a 5 subject and a 3 subject. Since I have 5 main classes (minus math) that I need to be taking notes in, I use one 5 subject notebook per semester for all of these classes, one subject per class. I find that writing things down really helps me remember information, so I usually prefer to write them out rather than type them (although Google Drive is my best friend if a teacher talks quickly!). Then for Pre-calculus I use a 3 subject notebook, one subject for the first semester (since it's super short) and then the other two for the remaining two quarters in the second semester. Of course, decorating notebooks could practically be my job so I put a monogram sticker on one and a whale sticker on the other. 

Accordion Folder 
I'm one of those people who only uses a binder when absolutely necessary. Since they aren't required this year (thank God), I have been using an accordion folder to store all my papers and looseleaf. I find that having one accordion folder is much lighter and space-saving than a binder(s) so I really recommend having one as well! 

Pencil Pouch
Over the years I've collected one too many pencil cases, so as you can imagine, I switch out which ones I use on a regular basis. The above picture was taken at the beginning of the year when I was using this case, but I'm currently using my Scout one because it is a lot roomier and has space for my calculator #nerdalert. I must say, having a bigger pencil pouch like my Scout one really saves a lot more room in my backpack (aka no loose hair bands or post its floating around)! 

It's not pictured above, but what school supply post is complete without talking about what to carry all your essentials in? For me, I wanted one durable backpack that would last me all four years. After a bit of research and returning a few options, I settled on the Eddie Bauer Adventurer Backpack because of the size and the fabulous reviews it received. Even though it has a tiny tear on the inside pocket, it has successfully lugged around so much stuff for over two years and I have no complaints whatsoever!

Now I'm interested to hear:
Any other school supply ideas I didn't mention?
What's your system?
Share in the comments below!


  1. I love reading about other people's school supplies! Sometimes it make me completely rethink everything I've been using! haha!


  2. love the sticker on the notebook!
    xx, bess

  3. If you are writing a research paper, you need to get tips on proper citing a quote not to violate rules of privacy policy.


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