
Monday, November 18, 2013

The Secret to Organized Notes

Happy Monday!
My long weekend absolutely flew by and with all the fun I was having, I didn't have much time to cross of the tasks I've been meaning to on my to do list! Needless to say, I didn't have my usual productive Sunday yesterday. So, to start the week off on the right foot, I thought an organization post would do the trick for today. Enjoy!

It's taken me until now (my sophomore year of high school) to finally feel confident in my note taking style. I've always been an organized student and have been taking neat notes for as long as I can remember, but it wasn't until a few months ago that I figured out the perfect way for me. 

My key to taking what I consider orderly notes is having one 5 subject notebook (here's the one I use!) and one 3 subject notebook, plus lots of different colored pens and a pencil. I use one subject per class in the 5 subject notebook and then for math I use the 3 subject, one section per quarter. This way, I can easily find where my notes are for quick access! 

And it's always fun to decorate the front with stickers as well ;) 

What I've found to be the secret to note taking is being consistent. Not just how often you write down things but how you write them down. For me, I usually write down things I hear in class (whether during a lecture, a discussion or powerpoint) in my 5 subject notebook and then when I get home I type them up and organize them in Google Drive. By recording them twice I usually understand them better plus it helps me remember them! Before a test or quiz I go back and read them over and mark them up, highlighting and underlining the important ideas. 

I'm always excited to hear new organization ideas for school so please, enlighten me in the comments below!


  1. You know, it's really funny because I'm a freak about organizing everything but my school notes! It's horrible, too, now that I'm in college. Maybe I should take some of your tips!


  2. Hey there, loved your blog, just followed you on GFC (195), would you mind to follow back?


    MandySharesLife FACEBOOK PAGE

  3. I always use a binder with tabs so I can move things around as I need to. I can't stand being unorganized!!

  4. Great organisational tips!! :)


  5. Great tips, I love using sticky notes to highlight important details as well.


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